Mad Science Lab SSM1 The Mad Science Lab SSM 1 is a analog filter unit that is compatible with modular synthesizers. The unit uses a rare SSM 2040 IC chip to achieve a voltage controlled low pass filter (VC LPF) This was an OPEN SOURCE project. I do not sell finished SSM1 units I provided the circuit board at cost ($40), and all files needed to build a SSM1 will be on this page Note: I do not have SSM2040 chips that are needed. I do not know where to get them I would advise you have a chip BEFORE buying parts |
2014 UpdateI have no more boards for sale. |
Above is a picture of the front panel of the SSM1. The frequency and resonance knob are at the top of the unit. The 3 inputs and one output are on the bottom of the unit. This unit is based on my experiments with the Emu Systems SSM Chip Eval Board. I have dedicated a page to Ed Rudnick that has all the schematics for the SSM Chip Evaluation Board This layout follows the standard set by Synthesis Technology. Legal blah, blah, blah --don't blow yourself up, be competent , do not attempt if incompetent, don't blame me if you screw it up |
MAD Science Lab SSM 1 This unit has one SSM 2040 voltage controlled low pass filter. It is housed in a MOTM compatible panel so it can be used easily in modular synthesizers. Power connection is standard +15/-15 MOTM style. Both the frequency and the resonance of the filter are manually controllable or voltage controllable. Added a gain switch so you can easily over drive the input stage for extra crunchiness. These modular versions of the SSM 2040 will be limited to an initial release of 10 circuit boards |
Above: Close up of circuit board. The SSM 2040 is at the bottom and has a temperature compensating resistor over it. See below for board layout. Resistor available online from Precision Resistor ( |
Front Panel Above is a close up of the front panel done with Front Panel The font panel can be ordered online The file will be here_______front panel designer and software here used engraved metal and silkscreen, it costs more, but I kinda like it. Also , I used screws through front panel instead of threaded do hickeys. At top of above picture, you can see small screw. Improvements to this design are welcome, and will be posted here. Below are a few pictures to demonstrate how the circuit board mounts |
Above the back panel showing the threaded bolts that the circuit board mounting bracket attached to. This is a MOTM 440 front panel that can also be used. They are available currently by Synthesis Technology. |
Below is circuit board mounting bracket. The two holes at the top attach to the threaded bolts above. The brackets are available from Synthesis Technology. The circuit board mounts to the 4 holes on the bracket with spacers to separate the board from the metal. So you need a small screw with a matching lock washer, and a small 1/4 inch spacer that fits on the screw. |
Below is a close up of board before installing chips. . DON'T FRY YOUR SSM2040 install chip sockets and test both voltages after unit is complete before installing chips refer to schematic below for pin connections. |
SSM1 Circuit Board Above: This is the circuit board without the chips. The 3 Input pots are on the bottom along with the resonance control far right. Inputs to the filter are on the left. One to three audio inputs can be used. The minimum connections would be 1 audio in, 1 audio out, one 100k pot to control frequency cutoff, and one 100k pot to control resonance. power supply +/-15 volts |
Parts List SSM1 Mono SSM 2040 VCF SSM1 Version 2
1 4 C3,C4,C5,C6 1000pf I used the same pots and jacks that Paul uses on MOTM units |
Below are a few part numbers I used from Mouser
Below is a picture of board showing placement of parts. |
Below is a picture of the board showing the top and bottom traces
Below is the schematic for the SSM1. I would like to thank Ed Rudnick who drew up the original schematics for the SSM evaluation board, and Dave Rossum who designed the chips. I have dedicated a page to Ed Rudnick that has all the schematics for the SSM Chip Evaluation Board |
2014 UpdateI have no more boards for sale.
thanks to E-mu Systems and Universal Audio who have kept me employed for many years until I could get my own thing going Also big thanks to Paul of Synthesis Technology. I have learned a lot using, building, and studying his work Go buy some of his stuff |
questions or comments e-mail james AT
(replace AT with @)